The importance of Kinesiology for children’s health and wellbeing

Based in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, True Balance Within Kinesiology offers gentle and safe healing therapies that access the subconscious mind to help restore balance.
As one of the Sunshine Coast’s leading Kinesiologists, working to provide Kinesiology balances for children and adults, True Balance Within Kinesiology has helped children from 2 years of age through to age 18.
Benefits of Kinesiology for Children
Children love Kinesiology and sessions can commence from babies through to young adults.
The benefits that children have experienced from Kinesiology include:
- Reduced amounts of aggression – children who are engaged in having Kinesiology will be able to handle their emotions a great deal more and will have the ability to express themselves in a calmer manner. Being able to express their feelings will allow for a relaxed environment at home and even in school.
- Increased concentration – by helping calm down brain activity and reduce stimulation for children, Kinesiology can help to keep children centered and enhance their concentration for tasks such as reading and writing.
- Improved sleep – when children are getting a better night sleep, the whole family is happier and healthier. Feeling more peaceful after a balance can also help with other concerns such as nightmares and fears of the dark.
Overall, Kinesiology helps the fine motor skills in children as well as gross motor skills and boost brain activity in a positive way.
How Kinesiology can help children and young adults
Kinesiology for children can incorporate a range of techniques, including TFT tapping, chakra balancing, flower essences and an overall energy balance. The session is individualised and number of sessions depends on the needs of the child, and often great results can be experienced in just three sessions.
Kinesiology and energy healing can assist children with a range of issues, including childhood anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, depression, grief, loss, trauma, self-confidence and learning. Carried out by an experienced and caring Kinesiologists, energy healing and Kinesiology offer wonderful options for children’s health and wellbeing.
We’re here to help your child improve and flourish with a Kinesiology balance
At True Balance Within Kinesiology, our focus is on clearing subconscious blocks surrounding your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy – providing the balance you need for overall health.
If you want to access individualized energy therapies for your child, and would like to tap into the benefits of energy balancing, emotional healing, muscle testing and body balance – True Balance Within Kinesiology Sunshine Coast offers techniques to suit you and your child.
Kacey is available by appointment only and bookings can be made online. Appointment times range from Monday to Saturday from 9.30am, with late appointments available. Book an appointment today for your child, and explore the wonderful energy healing of Kinesiology for children.